Cost effective, Timely delivery, Innovative ideas while you help the next generation
Talented Teenagers for your company
Live projects
Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, all started working in their Teens, do you need a better reason?
Learn importance of money by earning on their own
Helps Teenager convert passion to profession
Experiential Learning by working on real projects
Teenagers build profile by getting experience certificates
Hundreds of companies and partners working with Funngro to find smart talent
Teenagers are the smarter generations, more clued in to your customer mindset, not spoilt by years of experience hence being cost effective delivery of high quality of work.
No longer worry about using the same old ideas. Get innovative thinking, processes and style of working. Helps companies grow rapidly with timely project delivery.
Get your work done significantly lower cost, save as much as 50% on cost .
* Help the next generation the way someone helped you
The world is talking about Funngro, check out what everyone is saying
Simple steps to earn income by working with real companies on project basis
Register for Earning on Funngro app, select your area of interest
Add details about your interests, experience and past work
Complete one project to show your skills, get paid
Hundreds of companies waiting for you, start applying
Complete the project - earn money and get certificate
Thousands of Teens are on Funngro and their lives are changing for better. Read on for real stories
Simple steps to start working with Talented Teenagers
Register on Funngro
Add projects in a simple process that will take no more than 2 min
Funngro will share curated list of Teenagers interested in your project
Review profiles, past work, experience and select Teenagers that fits your work
On Successful completion, release payment to Teenager and post your next project
Hundreds of companies have worked with Talented Teens on Funngro. Read on for their views
Funngro is built by educators, Tech enthusiasts, IIM alumni, Finance experts but most
importantly by Loving parents. We are thankful to those mentors who helped us in early
stage of our lives and Funngro is our effort to give back to the society. Funngro is a
mission to enable Teenagers to become Financially empowered and grow up to be
responsible citizens.
Enable Smart Teenagers and Smart Companies to realize their full potentials
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest, read on.